Friday, October 15, 2010

There Was a People

There was a time... there was a place
Where the people knew peace...
Peace like a river they had

They fought hard... sacrificed and worked
They looked to the future blessing
By Their deeds their children's future
Joyfully Singing
Praise God... Praise God... Praise God... Praise God

Blessings, the children inherited
After a long time and many generations
They began to forget how blessing comes

Soon the children lost sight blinded they were
The future was lost to them living for now
For the now they lived forgetting... consequences
Blindly Singing
Hallelujah... Hallelujah... Hallelujah... Hallelujah 

The children inheriting a new deal
Forgot how to bless their children
Building for the children forgotten

They played and wasted the inheritance
Playing is fun you know 
It was all about fun
Blindly Singing
Hallelujah... Hallelujah... Hallelujah... Hallelujah 

They didn't see what it meant
What it meant for their children
Caring not and living to their-selves

The peace was gone... O! The peace was gone...
Slaves they became... O! They worked so hard
With no gain! Prosperity gone, all they had,
A broken
Future... A Broken Future... A Broken Future... A Broken Future 

They played hard... They Sacrificed not
They looked not to the future... cursing
By their deeds their chidren's future

There was a time... there was a place
Where the people knew no peace...
No more peace like a river... All they have left,
An empty Hallelujah
Hallelujah... Hallelujah... Hallelujah... Hallelujah

John L. Kinikin
Does it have to end this way?