Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Mr.Obama is a disgrace to the fine People of the United State of America!!!

Mr.Obama is a disgrace to the fine People of the United State of America!!!

LOOK at what he did to our friend (Israel) Benjamin Netanyahu.  Mr. Obama has the grace of a wild pig. Please read the following article. What he did to Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister of Israel should reveal the truth about our President:  This person in Our Nation's White House is no friend of ours nor of Israel. This person has proven time and again to be the friend of our enemies. AND our enemies are the socialists, communists dictators, and islamists around the world.


Next Year-Where?
by Janet Tassel

At the end of the Passover seder, Jews around the world cry, "Next year in Jerusalem!" just as they have been doing for centuries, praying to be redeemed and ingathered with all Jews in our ancestral capital.

But what if Jerusalem itself were to be seriously endangered?

Unbearable to contemplate. And yet, just before Passover week this year, we were made aware of a terrifying prospect involving Jerusalem, and yes, the whole of Israel. It seems that America, Israel's traditional and most dependable ally, has suddenly and insidiously turned on Israel. Consider the following:

• When Benjamin Netanyahu visited President Obama at the White House last month, he was publicly humiliated. Press and photographers were not allowed, and Netanyahu was isolated in a back room of the White House. After Obama had delivered himself of some thirteen "suggestions," he turned on his heel and left Netanyahu to eat alone, while he, Obama, went upstairs to eat dinner with his family. As Ma'Ariv reported, "Bibi received in the White House the treatment reserved for the president of Equatorial Guinea." But as many writers observed wryly, there is no way Obama would have treated Equatorial Guinea with such ineffable disdain.

• This public "hazing" was supposedly payback for the Israeli government's permitting 1600 units to be built in Ramat Shlomo, a religious Jewish neighborhood in northeast Jerusalem where Jews have lived for 134 years. Ramat Shlomo, ironically, was among the Jerusalem areas specifically excluded from the 10-month freeze of Jewish "settlements" to which Netanyahu agreed under intense pressure from Obama. Now it happens that Vice-President Joe Biden was in Israel when this insignificant building project (not to be completed for years) was announced-by a junior member of Netanyahu's government. However, according to Daniel Greenfield, "Biden was so insulted by this dastardly act that he stood up the Prime Minister of Israel of Israel for 90 minutes." Later, "he and various Obama Administration officials proceeded to lambaste Israel" publicly for this outrageous insult. Hillary Clinton later proclaimed that "it was not only an insult to Biden but an insult to the United States," and called Netanyahu personally to deliver a smoking 90-minute harangue.

• It bears constant reminding that, surreal as it may seem, we are talking here about Jews building in Jerusalem. Remember that in 1995, the U. S. Senate passed S.1322, known as the Jerusalem Embassy Act (Joe Biden was one of its sponsors). Among the stipulations of this Act are:
1) Jerusalem should remain an undivided city; and
2) Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of the
State of Israel.

• It is painful to note that in the same period as all these anti-Israel threats and manufactured insults were being hurled at Israel, the Palestinian Authority was festively dedicating a public square in Ramallah in honor of the terrorist Dalal Mughrabi. Mughrabi, in the words of Palestinian Media Watch, "led the worst terror attack in Israel's history when she and other terrorists hijacked a bus and murdered 37 civilians in 1978," including women, children, and an American, the photographer Gail Rubin.

Hillary Clinton, in her speech to AIPAC, condemned Hamas for the attack. It was, of course, not Hamas but the PA, whose Chairman, Mahmoud Abbas, has paid tribute to Mughrabi on many occasions, for example sponsoring a public celebration of her birthday in December. It was Abbas's PA TV that opened its broadcasting on March 11, 2010, the anniversary of the 1978 coastal road attack, by calling the attack "a glorious chapter in the history of the Palestinian people." (PMW)

• The current spectacle of the Obama administration hectoring Israel is especially alarming at this critical moment: Iran, which is the major supporter of Israel's enemies, is close to announcing two new enrichment sites. And sometime this year, according to experts, it will be able to put a nuclear warhead on an accurate missile. Accurate, that is, in its aim at the heart of Israel, as Iran's leaders have clearly and unapologetically promised to do. Meanwhile, as Michael Ledeen says, the Iranian mullahs "continue their murderous and sadistic campaign against the citizens of Iran."

What have these courageous people received from the Obama administration? Not a word. Ledeen says the Israeli-Palestinian "peace process" is just a kabuki dance unless and until the regime in Iran is overthrown. The bile and vitriol spilled by the Obama administration seems to be reserved for Israel alone.

These are troubling thoughts. They are nightmares. But if we Jews do not at least try to understand what is happening, we will be knowing accomplices. When we say "Next year in Jerusalem," let our prayers be for a united, strong, and free Jerusalem, a Jerusalem where Jews are free to live in peace wherever they wish.

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