Friday, May 14, 2010


"We will gain the inevitable triumph so help us God” Franklin D. Roosevelt - Dec. 7, 1941. When he spoke these words The United Stated of America had enough people who loved and revered God.

We are in the throes of two world wide revolutions. Both are committed to the subversion of the political and religious systems of this world. The leaders of these revolutionaries are willing to use terror if necessary to mold us into their evil image.

Both these war fronts are for the capture of the hearts and minds of the people. The leaders behind these two war fronts are promoting ideologies... set against God. If they win... their goal is to erase any and every remembrance of Him from the hearts and minds of our children for ever.

These two world wide problems create a necessity. This generation must be as our forefathers, who revered and loved God. Just as our fathers, we need the same tenacity to win the battles between Good and evil.

God is calling us to action. We must answer. For the sake our children. And of the lives of people everywhere... answer the call.

We must answer the call. Looking carefully at our own lives first. And asking as King David did of God, for help to remove everything we have let stand between us and Him. Continue to pray for revival throughout the land. And remember to pray for our leaders to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

I believe a good start would be to get as many Americans as possible to pray for the salvation of Rahm Emanuel. Because he is the key to the rest of the Obama regime in the White House. Furthermore, I believe God can change him from a man who delivers dead fish to political opponents to a fisher of men to the glory of Christ Jesus.

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