Saturday, July 10, 2010

I Choose God to be my God Forever

I heard someone say, "I want to be on the winning side" and we all know Jesus is of the winning side.

That thought struck me differently that night. I began to think what if the enemy started looking like the winner; would I still want to be on God’s side? Then the history of God began to roll through my head. I remembered how good God is. I then thought God is so good that I did not want to be with the other side even if they did - God forbid - win.

Then I remembered how the devil convinces men to do evil things. How the devil hates us with all his heart. How he has caused much pain and suffering upon mankind. Then I asked myself… Why would anyone want to spend eternity with him?

Oh then another thought came to me. God loves us so, that being with him would be heaven for me. He gave us Jesus who died for our sins. He gave us the Holy Spirit to dwell within. For by Him we are guided and taught always. He gave us many gifts to heal and to comfort.

Oh yes again, I said to myself, I choose God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit to be my God for ever. I choose the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God of Rachael, Leah and Ruth this is my God. It does not matter if He looses. Forever God is my God and the people of God are my people. Where ever we live we will live there in love and harmony forever.
by: John L. Kinikin

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