Sunday, August 15, 2010

The True Constant

God has set boundaries for mankind; within those parameters He promises general protection for their nation.  If we bind together with those in rebellion with God what will that mean?  Wouldn't that mean working with those who are set against God's purpose?  And that would position us out side of God's purpose and Protection.

Rome was, in its beginning, a nation of high moral standards as compared to pagan peoples of those days.  So they were allowed to become powerful, rich and successful.  Over the course of time their morality became decadence and debauchery and they rejected God. And they used their gods to condone their evil deeds.  Then they turned in hatred against God's people trying to murder them all.  So God brought and allowed destruction to fall on the most powerful and richest nation in the world. Staying close to God and remaining moral is a matter of national security.  Israel did much the same thing and God, also, left them alone without His hand of protection.

God's commission for the Church is for convincing the world to follow Him. Not force! but by reason and credible evidence. Teaching them to believe and receive salvation by faith in Jesus.

It is for national governments to know God's will and make laws that help the public stay with in God's boundaries. It is a matter of national security. If we as Christians influence our national and local leaders to fear God, and to produce laws to that end, then we have saved many people.  STAYING CLOSE TO GOD AND REMAINING MORAL IS A MATTER OF NATIONAL SECURITY.

History is full of  many nations with the same story.  God is the same to every nation, kindred and tongue; as he is and was to Israel so shall He be to all. What God was He is and will always be. There is real comfort in knowing that God and His boundaries never change. I know that though the world and men may change God will never change; He is the true constant.
John L. Kinikin

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