Monday, April 11, 2011

valley of Decision

America is in the valley of decision.  We are being overwhelmed by demands to change our form of government.  Those demands are coming in the forms of deception and outright threats against our safety.  What will be America's Choice?  Will she choose Communism?  Will she choose Islam?  Will she choose State-ism?  Will America choose for or against our God?  Will America forget her God and sacrifice her American Constitution for safety.  If so I have a question!?  Which kind of government gave Americans safety more safety than has our Constitutional Republic?  Which god really is God?  Which god is causing the breakdown of peace?  Which God gave His Life for our Salvation?  Which god forces his adherents to murder?  Which God over the process of time taught the ways of peace and gave us the power to defend it?

America's answer to these questions will determine her future.

Which is more important: Kings or their subjects; Governments or the governed? When the subjects are few, doubtful is the power of Kings and Governments. If I have much knowledge and no one to teach, am I a teacher? If I have Great power and authority and have nothing or no one to govern what good is it? What if I am not given consent to give my knowledge or use my great power and authority?

“They define him, they elevate him. Without them he is just a man”.

When we act power is given to something or someone. Is that power appropriately given? Who is best trusted with power in our lives? If I give power to another does that transfer my guilt to him? - 0h she – Oh he – Oh they - I was just following orders – Reciprocity – Does it work to shed guilt? What does God think? If a King commits evil is the guilt only his and not ours which gave him power? Is the power his or is it ours we who bestowed it?

There is only One Who has un-meted Power and Authority because there is no one higher than He.

We will - in the End - be judged by God Himself collectively and individually. We will – in the End – be responsible for our deeds done on earth. We will –in the End – acknowledge God’s righteousness and bow the knee to Him.

A beginning Premise here is: We are guilty of our own shame and not the shame of others. Bottom line we are responsible for only three things which simply are 1. What we choose to do 2. What we choose to think 3. What we choose to feel. That boils down to Choice.

Therefore the American people are only responsible for their choices. If we choose a government that lives up to the the law of land then well and good; if not, then we the people are responsible in that we have the right and duty to remove that government.   Governments are run by humans.  Governments are not gods.  We have the right and yes, the duty to remove that government when it is breaking the law of land. In America that law is The Constitution of The United States of America.

Will America choose to defend all that is and was good and right about our nation?  America is this world’s last stand for Freedom and Liberty, the freedom to worship God; the liberty to think for ourselves.  “Life Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” that phrase is important to most Americans.  How much Life, Liberty and Happiness are we willing to lose before we fight back?  Please do not let our children become hostage to evil designs.  Save America for the Children.

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