Saturday, May 7, 2011


Gen 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.  Did you know that this is the first time "not good" was said by God in the Bible?  God solved the problem by giving him a woman.  Made of the same substance as he and being the same kind of being.
God gave Adam a friend and helper with whom he could truly be intimate – intimate in - soul - spirit - body.  Two persons who could learn to trust each other perfectly in every aspect of their persons.  That is how two become one.  This is a picture of the kind of - God to man, man to God - relationship He wants with us.
This kind of intimate relationship is so hard to achieve that it is like looking for gold and diamonds.  Yet when found the payoff is greater, much greater than the effort.
The Tabernacle and the Temple in Jerusalem with The Holy of Holies in them gives me a picture of God as Holy which means He is separated from all that is sin.  The fact that only a very few could enter there shows that being in the presence of God is the very most precious place.
That Holy of Holies represents that kind of DEEP INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP that God wants us to seek with Him.  He is now seeking that kind of RELATONSHIP with us.  He knows how precious it is so He went to extreme lengths to convince us to open the holy of holies of our innermost being to Him.
God gave us love and marriage as a model to enable us to understand how valuable and so very precious it is to be so very close.
O my Lord and God open my eyes to these truths and give me understanding.  Please help me grow closer to You in deep loving intimacy by the putting off all things that distract me from seeking you.  Help me to Trust You more and more.  Help me see and loath the things which hinder our closeness.
Knowing faith is the conscious choice to trust You even when I do not understand or see what the outcome would be.  I want more faith.  I need more faith.  Help me grow in faith, ever growing faith.  Amen!
John L. Kinikin

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