Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Corruption of Prejudice

The Corruption of Prejudice
Islam is a corrupting ideology, here is an example of the corruption called prejudice.

Prof. Hamid Algar, Ph.D. (University of Cambridge, 1965) follower of the Ayatollah Ruhollah Mostafavi Moosavi Khomeini told the Armenian students they deserved to be, massacred.  He called them pigs and liars distorters of history.  Because they are morning the murder of their ancestors by the Turks.  

Here is the Quote: In 1998, Algar verbally harassed and spat on members of UC Berkeley's Armenian Student Association, who were commemorating the genocide of Armenians by the Turks.  He is quoted as having said to them: "It was not genocide, but I wish it were, you lying pigs. You are distorting the truth about history. You stupid Armenians; you deserve to be massacred!"

Ambassador Henry Morgentau  Wrote the below statement in 1915.  I believe the liar is Prof. Hamid Algar, Ph.D.

With the active encouragement of Ambassador Morgenthau, the American Committee for Armenian and Syrian Relief was established in 1915 to provide humanitarian relief including food, medicine, clothing and shelter to the Armenian victims of Ottoman oppression.

Funds were raised in the US and sent to the American Embassy in Constantinople where necessary items were purchased and distrbuted. A poster was used in the fund-raising campaign of 1918 with the goal of sending 30 million dollars to the Near-East. The Committee disbanded in 1930 after raising an estimated $116,000,000 for relief in its lifetime.
John L. Kinikin

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