Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A More Perfect Union

Any one aspect of the economy (including war) is small potatoes compared to the damage caused by the Marxist Socialist obama regime and those in support of Marxist Socialist activities of the present ruling party.  When all aspects of the economy are added together we see that these Marxist Socialist caused us enormous hurt and damage which will take years of sacrifice and hard work to repair.  These Marxist Socialist have stolen from our children and from us a future of clear prosperity and strapped us with a huge debt all to line their pockets, now.  China, for instance, holds much of that debt; the interest on that debt will help them build their military might which may tempt a future head of state in China to go to war.    We should Demand that the democrat Party pay off the obama debt, they and their cronies are lining their pockets with those stolen funds.

On Election Day 2012 I hope to be voting for a presidential Candidate who will have a servant's heart not a ruler's heart which is called for in the Constitution, and then we can have a serving party not a ruling one.  The United States of America is a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC not Democracy and certainly not a Kingdom.  By the dictates of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution those in office are not to be rulers they are to be OUR servants. The Declaration of Independence and subsequently the Constitution are the embodiments of the laws of the land which LIMITS the size and power of OUR government, protecting our Liberties and Freedoms endowed by God.
John L. Kinikin

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