Friday, August 24, 2012

Hate Speech
The Left’s Political Correctness
Their Art of Deception

There is a fundamental problem with the term "hate-speech".  Terms like "hate-speech", "hate-crimes” and “(your word goes here)-phobias”, among others, are terms invented by the socialist Left to intimidate Americans from speaking the truth, in an effort to delegitimize conservatives and the truth.  The first amendment’s Freedom of Speech is at stake here.  These terms and other similar words and phrases, are, were, and will be, invented to make people afraid to exercise their "Freedoms" and "Liberties" guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution.  These rights are not given ‘by’ the Constitution.  The rights of man are recognized and protected by law ‘in’ the Constitution.  These rights are fundamentally the property of all men and in every age on earth.  The rights of men are given by a power that is higher than man. God is that higher power.  Rights are free gifts given by God to be enjoyed by all of mankind.  Therefore, all men should be free and live free in their various nations.

Americans should be outraged that some small group wants the power to claim, out of their own hate and prejudice, that anyone who challenges their beliefs and lifestyles is guilty of hate when in fact they simply do not agree with them.  When the Left uses these words and terms against others, they are throwing people together so as to make one group look bad by association with the group they identified them with.  For instance, Leftists often lump the Klu Klux Klan and Christians together as though the two are the same when in fact, they are both very different in their goals and beliefs. They are giving themselves a pseudo-legitimacy by certifying the group’s “hate status” through the bogus, Soros-funded Southern Poverty Law Center*, the wealthiest, albeit sleaziest and extremely biased non-profit organization in the world.  The left is using their rhetoric to make people believe, for instance, that the KKK and the Family Research Council are both racially intolerant and discreetly violent. SPLC has categorized the honorable Family Research Council this way as a hate group. That way we Christians are linked to groups that are based on hate; therefore good organizations are misrepresented as hate groups in the minds of the uninformed.  The honorable Family Research Council
never murdered nor have they advocated for murder.

*(“Neo-Nazis in Rhode Island? SPLC exaggerates again
Posted by William A. Jacobson
Friday, August 17, 2012 at 8:30am
The Southern Poverty Law Center is back in the news because of the shooting at the Family Research Council, a group the SPLC had designated a “hate group” along with the Klan and Neo-Nazis.” You can also find the truth of this the APLC's internet pages.)

And so the left controls the public discourse against those who would be truthful.  Just because someone believes that marriage is a union inclusive of a man and woman, he/she is attacked as “homophobic” and hateful.  The Conservative Right’s beliefs do not condemn anyone. No one is sentenced to death because of them.  It is just what we believe.  Or we would be called racist because we believe all men are created equal having the rights of self determination, private property and a level playing field for everyone in business, that all have the right to earn according to his/her individual abilities. These beliefs are not condemning.  Instead, these beliefs spell the end of tyranny when put into practice.  The left wants people dependent only on their favorite form of government, which is an all powerful State controlling everyone's lives, instead of private groups or on God.  To them, only the State has the right to influence people’s thoughts, actions and speech.

Natural Law has to do with the nature of mankind, part of which says, all humans are property owners.  The first property we own is the ability to learn, and then we are owners of the ability to work, of intellect, experience and so on. These abilities are valuable properties and belong to each one of us.  We ‘own’ a particular quality or set of qualities.  No one has the right to our property without our consent.  No business, no boss, no officer of the court, no one in congress, nor even a president, dictator, or king, not one Communist or Progressive Statist nor religious leader of any religion have anything close to a right to our property without our consent.  Humans are intelligent animals not to be enslaved like horses and other animals of lower intelligence.  The Leftists might agree with us up to this point, but the problem comes when we say that all men are equal under the law. No man has the right to be above the law. No one has the ‘right’ to demand anything without first earning it.  That does not bar individuals from giving freely out of the goodness of their hearts or to give freely as a duty to God.  Those on the Left hate these self evident truths because, if they were to admit believing them, they could not justify their many pet projects, one of them is “Affirmative Action”.  Instead, they accuse us by screaming “racists”.  The Left does not want individuals, churches, or other organizations to give because then the government can’t control the giving or the actions, thoughts and minds of the recipients.

If we were to open the historical record, it would show that Mohammed was a pedophile.  He was given a 6 year old child to wed and he attempted to consummate the “marriage” on the ‘wedding night.’ However, it wasn’t until the child turned eight years old that Muhammad was able to physically consummate the “marriage.”  This knowledge is the truth, but the Left will say we are "racists" for exposing the truth about Mohammed’s perversions.  Muslims will claim this is 'hate speech' in order to keep the truth from being brought to light or believed.  These groups have been working diligently to make the truth politically incorrect; they define truth as hate-speech in an effort to silence and ban the truth thus silencing the Right.  These are more examples of the left’s hypocrisy:  “Michelle Malkin, slit your wrist. Go ahead… or, do us all a better thing [sic]… starts at the collarbone.” and “How much time do we have left to talk about how stupid Sarah Palin is?”  These statements, uttered by Montel Williams and spewed out by a CNN personality, would be a cause for death threats if they were spoken by either Michelle or Sarah.

The Left is filled with haters and liars* who bring into play the accusations and terms such as, “hate speech, prejudice, and hate crime, etc. etc.” proving, again and again, that they are, indeed, the ones who are hateful, bitter, and racist.

(* (Destroyers) Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dorn and Obama: (Liars) ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC and George Soros: (and minions) Al Sharpton and Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, just to name a few.)

The Left is skilled at manipulating and distorting the narrative to falsely accuse its enemies - Conservatives, Christians, Republicans, advocates against homosexual marriage and abortion and, of course, Rush Limbaugh - as closed minded, hateful islamophobes, homophobes and racists; all this in order to deny us our freedom of speech and every other right that is protected under the Constitution.

The Left falsely calls us unpatriotic or un-American, while many on the left, however, having been in military service or worked as civilians for the US government, are sworn to protect and uphold the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.  Yet they now work to undermine that document with their socialist/fascist ways, and claims of somehow breaking their imagined "PC Law" thereby making them enemies of the Constitution and enemies of Americans everywhere.  And that, my friends, is “Treason!”

According to its definition, hate-speech is a noun.  It is speech that attacks a person or group on the basis of race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.  The Left’s attacks do this very same thing because they always deceptively attack people on race, religion, gender, and sexual orientation.  Deception is the foundation of all arguments from the Left. They lie!

“Hate-Speech” is used to make citizens comply with the agenda of ‘Political Correctness’ and that agenda is used to turn us into mind-numbed robots, causing us to finally give up, give in, and do whatever it is the Left wants. The Left pits their will against the will of the people. They are attempting to force us to comply with their politically correct fascist goals.  This and other manipulative tactics are forms of vexation designed to irritate, annoy, provoke; to torment, trouble, distress, plague, worry; to discuss or debate a subject, or question with vigor, and at great length: to vex a question endlessly without ever agreeing, to disturb by motion, stir up, toss about, to afflict with physical pain and can even lead to attempted murder as evidenced by the recent LGBT Leftist domestic terror attack against the conservative organization, Family Research Council (FRC).

Americans have let this go on for far too long.
“You can measure a man by the opposition it takes to discourage him.”  Robert C. Savage

They want us to become discouraged. The tactic is to vex Americans at every turn and on every subject.  They legislate laws which cause doing business in America more expensive and harder to operate legally.  They attempt to wear us down to the point where we say whatever, "have it your way”.  Well are you ‘Burger King!?  I think not!!’  “Have it your way!” has been the food chain’s slogan for over thirty years.  It is Burger King’s job to sell their product in a way that is pleasing to paying customers.  It is not the citizen's job to please government after all, are the paying customers.  It is government’s job to please the people constitutionally.  We cannot give into the vexations of the Left.  Push back!

The minute we do give in - we become slaves of a seemingly omnipresent state.  And it will only become progressively worse.  We cannot give up or give in.  We must never, ever, compromise.  Every compromise gives them what they want and chips away at those self-evident truths, freedoms and liberties.  The way to beat the progressive left is to worry them more then they worry us. Remember this one imperative:  while in the halls of congress, our duly elected congressmen and senators must be there to keep the Liberals from getting any progressive bills passed, at all costs.  The politicians we vote for must put the truth in the ears of the people, overriding the left’s lies, challenging every lie with the truth, refuting the Left’s deception.  In short protect the truth and the Constitution.  Then we must take back the reins of power and turn the government around, dismantling Statist Socialism, regulation by regulation.

If it weren't for the existence of people there would not and could not be a need for a government, therefore, government's only reason to exist is to serve the needs of its population - people do not serve government, government is the servant of people. We cannot stop, we cannot grow complacent until the government and those who are elected to the offices of government are dedicated to the ideals from which the United States government was created, and the “republican kind of government” as stated in our Constitution.  Article 4, section 4!  Our Constitution stands as the law of the land to protect the citizens from government.

Accomplishing this goal of taking back our culture will be tough, it will be tough because progressives will not tolerate truth nor will they listen to reason.  The minute they hear what sounds like reason, they begin loudly chanting their thinly veiled hate speech in order to drown out the speaker's voice: "The voice of reason!”  They were taught at an early age by nationalize and unionized public education and by the, Soros funded, mainstream media to literally NOT hear the voices of reason.  Regardless of the facts, regardless of the truth, despite the easily understandable logic of the Conservative argument, a leftist is trained to only know, and respond to, three things: 1) If you disagree with them you are racist bigots.  2) All things that sound cool and fulfill the leftist agenda are always right, everything else is wrong, and 3) Morality is relative
.  For the leftists, all information is filtered through these three smokescreens which usually turn their arguments into pretentious self righteousness.  They also don't stop at slandering whites. They will slander Blacks and other minorities also, by calling and accusing them of whatever it takes to make them back down, shut up and go away. This is what they did to the beloved Bill Cosby and Herman Cain.  The Left won’t acknowledge the successes of Black conservatives; they are labeled as “Uncle Toms”.  If you aren’t fully and completely standing in support with them, they will Stalinize you no matter your race. That is, they will expertly go to any length to turn public opinion against you.

If we fail to act now, the words in the Constitution will soon be deemed hate speech as mandated by cowardly and politically correct appeasing judges and legislators, the government will be allowed to tell us what we can think and say and when we can say it, and it won’t be hard to imagine an “offence police” (OP), created to monitor our opinions and statements directed at “protected” classes of citizens, which would logically be followed by legislation to regulate “hate thought”.  After the smoke clears the only true victims remaining would be “Every American”, both liberal and conservative alike. Because it is only a matter of time before more and more Liberal Progressives grow up and wake up, realizing their attacks upon Americans of the Right, are actually attacks upon themselves.  Perhaps a day will come when the Left becomes aware that it is they themselves who are being duped and used by nefarious men who are seeking total control over all of us. Maybe then the wisdom of conservative policies and traditional American values will return to America...

We all lose in a “politically correct environment!”

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