Friday, August 26, 2011

Mr. obama's 57 State Blunder

My friend Patrick did the research after I pointed out obama's blunder in saying America has 57 states. I believed that number corresponded with a fact somewhere. I counted the Islamic Nations and that number did not match. It turns out some Islamic nations are members of an organization called “Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)” not all Islamic Nations are members of the O.I.C.

Well, Patrick found it, here it is in his words:

Remember the laughs we had when Obama mentioned the "57 states of America"? We chuckled at how the Democrats could nominate such a blunderer. This blunder involved forgetfulness. Obama confused the American audience with the Islamic audience he is so accustomed to addressing. It is the OIC: an international Islamic organization consisting of 57 Islamic member states. Further evidence that Obama is in the Islamic camp. We must be cautious and listen to obama carefully, judiciously and evaluate every word that comes out of his mouth.”

The United Nations has 193 members 57 are OIC nations almost a third.

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation” is a 57 member body that brings 57 Islamic States together in co-operation. 

Mr. obama needs the teleprompter because when he speaks off the cuff these kinds of mistakes happen. It is so hard to keep up with so many lies he needs a large team to keep track for him. No doubt he has lost control of what to say next, so he reads the lines others write for him to read. I wonder if he knows he lives down the rabbit hole??? You know obama reads a lullaby to the American public, obama goes to bed, obama wakes rubs his eyes, lo and behold things happen, and day after day the same. Nah, he is just a psychopath, lying is just part of the Socialist mind set. At any rate he needs the teleprompter or we get watch him blunder. As The Duchess in wonder said: “I quite agree with you. And the moral of that is: Be what you would seem to be, or if you'd like it put more simply: Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.”

Or as Alice said: “Curiouser and Curiouser...”

By: John L. Kinikin and Patrick O. Griswold

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