Friday, August 26, 2011



by John L. Kinikin on Saturday, June 11, 2011 at 11:20pm
The City of Cedar Falls wants their citizens to put their keys in lock boxes for easy access in case of emergency.  If they buy that, I have a great big golden bridge they can buy too.

It is not THE RIGHT of a government to protect the people… it is THE DUTY of government to do so.  Under the constitution of the United states of AMERICA, the right of the people is to limit government because government is the servant of the people.  It is the right of the people to demand sensible protects under the law, and not to give carte blanche to the city or any government body.

In the Colorado court, where the 82yrold man was on trial for shooting at two thieves stealing his flatbed trailer and acquitted by a jury of his pears.  The jury was correct in their verdict because we all have the rights, among others to “LIFE”, “LIBERTY”, and “AND THE pursuit OF HAPPINESS.”  We also have the duty to protect our neighbors and the right to protect property and ourselves.  As in the case of the Texas man defending his neighbor from burglars, he used his shotgun on them.  This is not to promote killing only saying the people have the right to Life, liberty and property and the right to use deadly force if necessary.

Protecting your neighbor’s property is a loving act to him.  That fits right in with the second great command.  “Love thy neighbor as you love yourself.”, or, “Do unto to your neighbor as you would want him to do unto you.”
If I were out of town I would want my neighbor to protect my property, it therefore falls to my responsibility to love him the same way.  It is logical also to take protection, like a gun, when risking your life to protect your property or that of your neighbor.

On the other hand, for the citizens of Cedar Falls to let the City have what amounts to carte blanche is tantamount to giving them a sheet of paper that is blank except for a signature and given by the signer to another person to write in what he or she pleases.  That of course is like saying – Take away my freedoms and liberties o and do not forget to take pursuit of happiness.

We are humans not bees, Therefore unlike bees we think individually, and live in separate dwellings and have among others the rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness without government intrusion.

When the citizens do not have the right to self-defense and protections under the law then lawlessness will grow unbearable.  There will be chaos everywhere and the police officer’s job exceedingly dangerous.  When law enforcement by both the citizens and government breaks down there will be anarchy.
John L. Kinikin

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