Monday, August 22, 2011

Sharia Law In America: Hiding in a dress called political correctness

It is urgently imperative now to pay attention to vanguards Pamela Gellar, Brigette Gabriel, and the warnings of the anti-Islamic blogs. Sharia Law is becoming the law of the land in America, as we witness the arrests of Americans for "hate crimes" who publicly oppose Islam, and the widespread censorship of any one exposing the violence and hemegomy of Islam through the social media.

 Below is one of many You tube videos  banned for accurately observing the barbarism of Islam. Telling the truth has become a criminal offense in America. We must STOP THE ISLAMIZATION OF AMERICA! There is no such reality of a "moderate Islam". To adhere to the principles of Islam, as it is written in the Koran, a Muslim MUST be willing to submit completely to it's tenets. It is clearly stated that a Muslim must convert or destroy all infidels. If a non-Muslim does not offer up a cash ransom, (dhimmi), or submit to Islam, the Koran instructs the Muslim to follow this tenet:   

" Qur'an 8:12 "I will terrorize the unbelievers. Therefore smite them on their necks and every joint and incapacitate them. Strike off their heads and cut off each of their fingers and toes."

Islam is NOT a religion of peace. Moderate Islamism is non-existent. The call to violence is it's only call. Destroy all who refuse to bow  to allah. Do not be fooled: The spirit of Sharia Law has arrived in America, and the US  government is complicit in enforcing Sharia Law by harassing, monitoring, and arresting any non-Muslim American who vocally opposes Islam in America. 

This is an example of American Sharia:


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