Sunday, October 30, 2011

Herman Cain's 9-9-9 Plan

Herman Cain spelled out his plan as the following two paragraphs show read on. (His Plan blow)

Arbitrary laws always limit everyone's thinking. How many times have you wanted to get a perfectly sane and beneficial project done but were blocked because a clerk had no other answer except 'I don't know it's just the rules.'? And, that underling was not going to budge because he did not want to be yelled at or fired. So, we can understand perfectly when we hear Herman Cain say: "Politicians limit their thinking every time they start with the current tax code or from their assessment of what might pass Congress."

When the conversation turns to the "Tax Code" I am 100% on Mr. Cain's side when he says: "Instead of tinkering around the edges of our current broken tax code where most Americans don't know their exact rate, my vision is to throw it out and start over again. In other words, it's we the people; taking care of...we the people."

When it comes to the phrase "what might pass Congress", let us take a lesson from Mr. obama and make it pass Congress.

There are two parts of his plan I like allot; (1) install the 9-9-9 plan and in his words, (2) "Instead of tinkering around the edges of our current broken tax code where most Americans don't know their exact rate, my vision is to throw it out and start over again."

"My message of applying common sense solutions to challenges facing this country is resonating across the USA. There is no better illustration of that than the 9-9-9 Plan, my vision for economic growth.

Since my rise in the polls has put me in the top tier of the Republican presidential field; some critics have tried to muddy the waters and apply false constructs to the plan. Allow me to break the mystique and walk you through the 9 steps of how I came up with the plan.

1. Surround yourself with the right people. My Senior Economic Adviser, Rich Lowrie, of Cleveland, Ohio, doesn't know everything and doesn't have to. I didn't hold it against him that he has a college degree in accounting. He learned economics from friends and mentors like Art Laffer, Jude Wanniski, Steve Moore, Larry Kudlow, Chuck Kadlec and other prominent economic experts. Rich has spent the last dozen years focusing on the financial needs of Main Street -- which makes it easy to see how Washington, D.C. impacts everyone's ability to save, invest and care for a family.

2. Work on the right problem. To get the economy going, one has to understand how it works. We created our 3 Economic Guiding Principles:
  1) Production drives the economy, not spending.
  2) Risk taking drives growth. Risk is the expenditure of time, effort, creativity, resources etc. with the expectation of success but with no guarantee of such.
  3) Measurements must be dependable. A dollar must hold its value the way an hour is always 60 minutes and a right angle is always 90 degrees.

3. Assign the right priorities. Our priorities for designing 9-9-9 are common sense: Simplicity, transparency, efficiency, fairness and neutrality. And I mean Webster's Dictionary definition of fair; not the Obama administration's definition.

4. Be bold. Politicians limit their thinking every time they start with the current tax code or from their assessment of what might pass Congress.

I start with what's right. That is the difference between a proven business leader and a politician: I focus on solving the problem, not just on what can pass.

5. Apply common sense principles. We all know we should tax the largest possible base at the lowest possible rates. We should tax everything once and nothing twice. We should get the government out of picking winners and losers. We should level the playing field and fix what is within our control.

Ideally, we should have a tax code that collects the requisite amount of revenues, leans the lightest on production, does the least damage, and offers the fewest opportunities to evade the tax coupled with the least incentive to do so.

6. Crunch the numbers. There is only one place to start, with current revenues and current GDP. If we tax GDP once, we have a smaller base, higher rates, and begin violating many of the above principles. So we tax it from the production side as value is produced, then from the income side as that value is paid to the factors of production (workers and shareholders) and finally as that value is consumed.

7. Score it. We chose Gary Robbins of Fiscal Associates to conduct an independent analysis, verify the construction of the tax bases and score it both on a static basis: Is it revenue neutral? And on a dynamic basis: What is the economic impact?

Robbins is a former treasury official who ran the econometrics function under Reagan. According to Robbins, this plan is revenue neutral, creates 6 million new jobs, expands the economy by $2 trillion, increases business investment by a third, will boost wages by 10%, ultimately leading to an increase in federal revenues of 15% above baseline.

8. Present it. When people understand it, they will demand it. When politicians feel the heat, they will see the light. Americans are tired of the worst economic times since the Great Depression; ushering in 9-9-9 will help drive growth and reduce unemployment.

9. Defend it. Did you think I would end on any other number? My 9-9-9 plan taxes everything once and nothing twice.

Some critics have argued that the sales tax is regressive. The sales tax will NOT increase prices. Unlike a state sales tax, which is an add-on tax and does raise prices, this is a replacement tax that replaces taxes already embedded in prices through the production and distribution process. When high marginal rates come out, and are replaced by lower marginal rates, marginal production cost decline. Think about a loaf of bread. The wheat farmer, baker, trucker and grocer all pay high corporate rates to get the product to consumers.

Once corporate rates are cut to 9 percent, the cost of that loaf of bread will decline, offsetting the national sales tax.

Instead of tinkering around the edges of our current broken tax code where most Americans don't know their exact rate, my vision is to throw it out and start over again. In other words, it's we the people; taking care of...we the people."

Herman Cain, a Republican is running for president of the U.S. and past president and CEO of the National Restaurant Association and the former chairman and CEO of Godfather's Pizza. For more info,

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Evil Associations Corrupt

Evil Associations Corrupt
"A general Dissolution of Principles & Manners will more surely overthrow the Liberties of America than the whole Force of the Common Enemy. While the People are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their Virtue they will be ready to surrender their Liberties to the first external or internal Invader. How necessary then is it for those who are determin'd to transmit the Blessings of Liberty as a fair Inheritance to Posterity, to associate on publick Principles in Support of publick Virtue." Samuel Adams “The Father of the American Revolution.”

Why do you suppose the Founders wrote so often of virtue?
Because, they studied and learned coming to the understanding of the "Wisdom of the Ages", they therefore new and understood truths like:

Do not intimately join yourselves to evil persons and their ideas, being persuaded thereby; they corrupt good manners. Many have done so, defiling themselves before God and the world because they knew not the knowledge of God. Seek good works and the knowledge of God thereby avoiding subversion from truth and good moral habits. It is to the shame of many of us that we have missed the mark of true righteousness. 

Samuel Adams also wrote, “Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.” 

A people corrupted will not remain prosperous and free.

"Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame." 1Corinthians 15:33-34. (In this verse; 'communications' means: intimate associations and 'manners' means: moral habits)

Now is the time to return to the God of our Fathers, the God who keeps His promises. He will forgive and restore if we truly repent. Jesus said to the woman caught in the act of sin "... Neither do I condemn you: go, and sin no more." Jesus does not want to condemn, He came "to seek and to save that which was lost"; He forgives and saves the repenting souls. "He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave He the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." John 1:11-13. 

Receive Him therefore as your Lord and Savior, become a child of God. "That whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved. He that believes on Him is not condemned: but he that believes not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that does evil hates the light neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that does truth comes to the light that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God." John 3:15-21.

Samuel Adams again writes, “Divine Revelation assures us that ‘Righteousness exalts a nation.’  Communities are dealt with in this world by the wise and just Ruler of the Universe.  He rewards or punishes them according to their character.”

Turn then to God in repentance He will by Christ Jesus save you from the wrath which is set for them who refuse the grace of God. Salvation is near you even in your mouth and heart... "But what says it? The word is near you, even in your mouth, and in your heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach; that if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and will believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture says, whosoever believes on him shall not be ashamed." Rom 10:8-11.
By: John L. Kinikin

Friday, October 14, 2011

Herman Cain

Just 2 weeks ago the progressive pundits pooh-poohed Herman Cain's sudden surge of popularity among Republican voters as a "protest" vote against Rick Perry. They were wrong. Today, Herman Cain has taken a sizable lead in the most recent poll by Zigby. 20% above the rest of the candidates and is in a statistical tie with the Thug-in Chief, Barack Hussien Obama. Hmm...

The pundits were quick to respond that this is probably temporary, a fluke, given that
Perry and Donald Trump had momentary jumps in the polls and quickly faded. The main stream (sic) , or rather the ‘left stream’ media predict Herman Cain will soon return to a second-tier candidacy. The pundits discount the Republican voter’s intelligence, claiming they are fickle and will just as easily discard Herman Cain as soon as the next new and exciting candidate appears on the scene. Even the esteemed Sarah Palin discounted Herman Cain by calling him just "the flavor of the week."

The MSM pundits just cannot accept that the sleeping giant has awoken. Herman Cain disturbed the sleep of Conservative America, forcing people to take serious notice of his message. In addition, the Democrats can't shut Herman Cain up. Who does this black man think he is? A black conservative does not exist in America according to the racist/ socialist liberal media pundits. He is not for real.

The sleeping Conservative giant is fully awake now, angry and adamant about saving their beloved America from the grips of the entitled, unionized, left of left radicalized socialist-Marxist-progressive democrats. Yes, Herman Cain is real. If you look at the age-old story of good versus evil, you can see America's story unfolding: Obama is the mad scientist, who plans to take over the world and enslave all of its inhabitants. Herman Cain is the God fearing super hero, sacrificing himself to save the Republic and restore order in a world that has become Alice's Wonderland.

Every one knows how the story ends. The hero always prevails. Herman Cain will allow Americans once again to proclaim "God Bless America" with national pride, and with hope, real hope - unlike Obama’s 2008 campaign slogan, “hope and change,” in which Obama failed to tell us that his reference to ‘change’ is a change down the path of socialism – Herman Cain intends to change America back to her once majestic self.

Herman Cain spells out clearly the changes he would implement if he were president of America. The re-structuring of the tax code to create the 9-9-9 plan, a sound economic proposal endorsed by famed supply-side economist Art Laffer. He describes Herman Cain’s plan as a pro-growth plan that would create the proper conditions for America's economy to grow and thrive again. Liberals hate Laffer, who was instrumental in Ronald Reagan’s eight years of an economic boom. Liberals prefer a socialist nanny state, which controls every aspect of its citizen’s lives, from cradle to grave.

Herman Cain made it clear that America would define its enemies and its friends. He proposes an end of financially aiding the enemies of America while supporting, financially and materially, America’s friends. Obama’s White House gave the terrorist gang, the Palestine Authority, over $600 million last year. Since the signing of the Oslo Accord in 1993, the U.S. government has given $1.3 billion in
economic assistance to the West Bank and Gaza.

                 A lot of money to give to Hamas supported jihadists who chant hatred and death to Americans and shoot rockets daily into Israeli communities. Friend or foe? Palestine and all Muslim states worldwide are the enemies of the United States. Herman Cain shoots straight from the hip with the American public and I suspect, as the left label him ‘Islamophobic’, he would receive that label as a compliment and an honor.

Herman Cain would refuse to apologize for America. He stands for a strong defense for the United State. Herman Cain would ensure that our military and all of our security agencies are strong and capable. He understands the primary duty of the President of the United States is to protect our people. It is clear that Herman Cain would be a president who would warn our enemies that they would be no match for the United States military and he wouldn’t hesitate to show them America’s might. Herman Cain believes that the military is not just about defense but also about prevention and intervention. That America should intervene militarily when it serves the purpose of securing America’s long-term interest or helping countries that are unstable and need our help. The president’s primary responsibility is keeping America safe. America has been anything but safe these past three year.

Not unlike Ronald Reagan, Herman Cain would immediately begin to downsize the federal government, bringing it to a level that would best serve America and the fifty states, (not, as Obama says, fifty-seven). In his eyes, the federal government serves the states and its people. It promotes free-markets and is dedicated to reasonable and sane regulations. No more ludicrous Federal Programs like Department of Industrial and Janitorial Monitoring for the Stubbing of Toes After Employees End Their Shifts at Work.

No other Republican candidate in this presidential race has a concrete plan for America. Herman Cain does. That is more than can be said about our current president. Well, maybe the cars for clunkers program, and socialized medicine - which were failures even before they became law - are the exception.

I believe Herman Cain has it from Higher Authority that he is the man for America at this time in history. His confidence shows it. The American people, Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and Undecidedes, are signing on to Herman Cain’s candidacy in large numbers. The polls reflect this popularity, and Mr. Herman Cain IS the real deal. He is an example of a true American.

The Crime of Treason

Anwar Al-Awlaki has been killed. He was an unlawful combatant calling for jihadists to kill Americans where they find them. This is an enemy of the state, which authorizes the state (United States) to kill him. Case closed. Awlaki was also a citizen of said state, the United States. His actions fall under the act of treason. The United States Code at "usc|18|2381" states "whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States." This authorizes the United States to kill or imprison him. He was killed. Case closed.

As expected, CAIR is raising their usual stink about how the USA victimizes Muslims. Just shut up and go away, I say. 

However, the progressive left, the ever-apologetic champion of Islam and everything Palestinian, is condemning the USA for violating Awlaki’s Constitutional right to “due process”.  Traitors are not afforded due process if the chance to capture or kill the traitorous unlawful combatant is available. The decision to kill this American turned Islamic terrorist was a good one. He was in the leadership of an organization that has declared war on the United States." Let us kill some more high-ranking Muslim terrorists. It will make the world a better place.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Corrupted Capitalism: The Great Wall Street Scam

There is nothing bad about capitalism. When practiced honestly and with integrity. What gives it a bad name is ‘Corrupted Capitalism," practiced by progressive leftists disguised as champions of the working class and purveyors of class warfare. These are the democrat power brokers and left of left politicians who brilliantly staged the Day of Rage Protests and the Occupy Wall Street protest as campaign strategies for re-electing Obama and his homeboys.

The actors in these protest events are plants, mostly kids who finally have access to their hefty trust accounts to afford them to hang out in New York for a few weeks manipulating the main stream media. Others who are jobless and from middle class families get to dip into the cash bag of the primary financial backer, George Soros.  The Tides Foundation  - one of a multitude of socialist causes bank rolled by Soros, - which has received over five million dollars from Soros, is one of the primary sponsors to the Occupy Wall Street movement. Someone has to pay for the expensive, state of the art camping equipment, iPhone Chargers, and the latest in laptop technology. Grass Roots my rear end. 

The people who mutter to themselves that Wall Street is full of crooks must know, on some level, they are being duped by the very men who control Wall Street. The billionaires who have determined to elect Obama for his second term. The useful idiots, the protesters, just maintain their denial and vie for a shot at getting on the six o’clock news. These protests are, in reality, nothing more than an Obama election rally, coordinated ahead of time to coincide with Obama’s own descent into class warfare. Which makes them a pro-government rally. This feels like a trip through Alice’s Wonderland.

Wall Street is not the cause of our economic problems. Wall Street is the fall guy for these problems. This is a slick strategy. Divert attention away from the corruption of Obama and the wealthy democrat power brokers, and get the country stirred up and rallying together to scapegoat Wall Street as the evil capitalist fat cat intent on selfish greed. It is brilliant. It is a con game. Pointing fingers at Wall Street generates a media event using unwitting stooges, while hitting us up for donations for Obama, will do nothing for the economy. It won’t reduce the deficit; it will only give the left more time to continue raping and pillaging the Republic until real protest rises up from the true Americans. The ones who work and sweat to continue moving the wheels of free enterprise.

The Occupy Wall Street is a paid political movement; zany kabuki theater. A diversion as we plunge into universal bankruptcy while Obama and friends stuff their pockets with bonds and campaign cash. This will be Obama’s legacy a few years from now. As it is written in Scripture: For there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known (Matthew 12:1). Obama's con and his regimes deception will revealed. Unfortunately, the cost for saying ‘I told you so,’ is a price none can afford.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Non-Useful Idots

You've gotta give credit to the radical left American child- punks. They realize that Abedinajadh has his hands full trying to accommodate the huge crowds of protesters by killing them. The leftist punks have to give some latitude for a regime that supports Palestine. 
  But, goodness sake, when the misguided spoiled hedonist American lefty kids try to protest in the police state of New York City, condemning America and rudely violating public gathering and traffic safety laws, NY's finest become brutes and monsters for arresting them. The outrage. It is such a tragedy that Suzie and little Bobby skinned their knees and ripped there expensive designer jeans when the cops had to carry them to the paddy wagon.  Happens when you disobey a cop and do a 'dead-drop' so they have to carry you away. Meany cops that they are. (My only real concern is the officers weren't wearing protective gloves while touching these brats.)

The shame is this. Kids in Iran are getting killed by the Iranian police for gathering in protest to demand for Iran the kind of society that is America . You know, real human rights. The end of Sharia law. They want democracy.  Snotty, arrogant white kids, on the other hand, are protesting in America demanding a government and society that looks like Iran. They want a socialist welfare state. When the police carry out the law and have to carry the protesters after they pull their 'dead-weight' charade and act oh, so wounded, the classic victim, they scream their civil rights are being violated. "Police Brutality!" "Che! Che! Che!" "F...America!"    I believe each of these Wall Street protesters should be charged fifty bucks each to pay for the police officers time and trouble to babysit these selfish little miscreants. Did I say miscreants? I mean these young, noble and serious and confused revolutionaries for the 'cause', right on, right on. Power to the people, and all that.   "Oh, Dick. Lighten up. It's just a phase they're going through, they'll grow out of it!"   "Yeah. They'll grow up and become democrat congressmen. And hate America even more." 
Or be offered jobs by George Soros.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

A segment of the Chris Matthews Show We Didn’t Watch

I recently watched a liberal show on MSNBC called Hardball. Hosted by Chris Matthews, I was fascinated by how similar it seemed to Kabuki Theater. Janeane Garafolo was present and pretending to be a serious commentator on the Tea Party. I don't suspect she knows how truly funny she is. The lines she speaks are truly classic. Hilarious. Far better humor than her droll stand up act. This is how the progressive liberal feels about America: "That's what makes my heart swell. Not the American flag, but a gay naked man or woman burning the flag. I get choked up with pride."
.Below is my interpretation  of this thirty minute hate-fest:  

 Matthews: When I think of Chris Christie entering the race I see a big fat hater hating so hatefully I really hate to hear how much hate these conservative haters hate. So hateful.

 Garafolo: Actually, all these Tea Baggers are really are a bunch of stupid racist haters. They are so full of hateful s**t they make me puke. I think they suffer from Racist Hate Syndrome. I mean, Christie is so fat, how does he fit on the toilet seat. He’s a big fat racist hater.  He’s so full of s**t he probably spends eight hours a day hating on the toilet. He’s a hater. A racist and a hater. Such a big fat racist hater.

Matthews: Exactly. Hateful hating hatemonger. The Tea Party is full of hateful hating hatemongering racists. They have hate fests and should be stopped. There’s just too much hate coming out of the hateful hating Tea Party. They should change their name to Hating Hateful Haters full of Hate Hate Party. The Hate Bags.

Garafalo: And don’t get me started with that hateful hating bitch Bachman. I think her hateful religious husband needs to come out of the closet. Such a hater.

Liberal Gay activist: Wait girlfriend. Don’t YOU get me started. I would show those hateful hating racists something they would get really hateful about. They’d hate to be outed out of the hate closet. Serves these hating haters right. I hate ‘em. Bunch of hateful homophobic hate mongers.

Bill Maher: They’re beyond hate. They are the hatingest hate-filled ultra-hate hatestremists.  And they are so stupid. Tell me, did any of the hating tea baggers make it past tenth grade. I don’t think so. They are ugly and stupid. They’re just a bunch of hateful@#*&^%$@@#*& ^%$@$^!@ @$#^(**)* &%*&^^$#%$%^^*&&*(****(*&*&^’s…

Matthews: How did these white racist Islamophobic haters get so angry? I mean it really makes me mad that they can be so hate-filled and angry! I for one HATE them!! They demean and call liberals names, and I mean really bad names, like “lefty’s”…So crude and hateful. Yes, they are a bunch of uneducated filthy race-baiting animals. Most of them should have been retroactively aborted!

And that is the show for today, ladies and gentleman. Watch tomorrow when my guests will be the Reverend Al Sharpton, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, and Louis Farrakhan. Our topic: Racism in the Tea Buggers Party. Why do they hate?