Sunday, October 2, 2011

Non-Useful Idots

You've gotta give credit to the radical left American child- punks. They realize that Abedinajadh has his hands full trying to accommodate the huge crowds of protesters by killing them. The leftist punks have to give some latitude for a regime that supports Palestine. 
  But, goodness sake, when the misguided spoiled hedonist American lefty kids try to protest in the police state of New York City, condemning America and rudely violating public gathering and traffic safety laws, NY's finest become brutes and monsters for arresting them. The outrage. It is such a tragedy that Suzie and little Bobby skinned their knees and ripped there expensive designer jeans when the cops had to carry them to the paddy wagon.  Happens when you disobey a cop and do a 'dead-drop' so they have to carry you away. Meany cops that they are. (My only real concern is the officers weren't wearing protective gloves while touching these brats.)

The shame is this. Kids in Iran are getting killed by the Iranian police for gathering in protest to demand for Iran the kind of society that is America . You know, real human rights. The end of Sharia law. They want democracy.  Snotty, arrogant white kids, on the other hand, are protesting in America demanding a government and society that looks like Iran. They want a socialist welfare state. When the police carry out the law and have to carry the protesters after they pull their 'dead-weight' charade and act oh, so wounded, the classic victim, they scream their civil rights are being violated. "Police Brutality!" "Che! Che! Che!" "F...America!"    I believe each of these Wall Street protesters should be charged fifty bucks each to pay for the police officers time and trouble to babysit these selfish little miscreants. Did I say miscreants? I mean these young, noble and serious and confused revolutionaries for the 'cause', right on, right on. Power to the people, and all that.   "Oh, Dick. Lighten up. It's just a phase they're going through, they'll grow out of it!"   "Yeah. They'll grow up and become democrat congressmen. And hate America even more." 
Or be offered jobs by George Soros.

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