Monday, October 3, 2011

Corrupted Capitalism: The Great Wall Street Scam

There is nothing bad about capitalism. When practiced honestly and with integrity. What gives it a bad name is ‘Corrupted Capitalism," practiced by progressive leftists disguised as champions of the working class and purveyors of class warfare. These are the democrat power brokers and left of left politicians who brilliantly staged the Day of Rage Protests and the Occupy Wall Street protest as campaign strategies for re-electing Obama and his homeboys.

The actors in these protest events are plants, mostly kids who finally have access to their hefty trust accounts to afford them to hang out in New York for a few weeks manipulating the main stream media. Others who are jobless and from middle class families get to dip into the cash bag of the primary financial backer, George Soros.  The Tides Foundation  - one of a multitude of socialist causes bank rolled by Soros, - which has received over five million dollars from Soros, is one of the primary sponsors to the Occupy Wall Street movement. Someone has to pay for the expensive, state of the art camping equipment, iPhone Chargers, and the latest in laptop technology. Grass Roots my rear end. 

The people who mutter to themselves that Wall Street is full of crooks must know, on some level, they are being duped by the very men who control Wall Street. The billionaires who have determined to elect Obama for his second term. The useful idiots, the protesters, just maintain their denial and vie for a shot at getting on the six o’clock news. These protests are, in reality, nothing more than an Obama election rally, coordinated ahead of time to coincide with Obama’s own descent into class warfare. Which makes them a pro-government rally. This feels like a trip through Alice’s Wonderland.

Wall Street is not the cause of our economic problems. Wall Street is the fall guy for these problems. This is a slick strategy. Divert attention away from the corruption of Obama and the wealthy democrat power brokers, and get the country stirred up and rallying together to scapegoat Wall Street as the evil capitalist fat cat intent on selfish greed. It is brilliant. It is a con game. Pointing fingers at Wall Street generates a media event using unwitting stooges, while hitting us up for donations for Obama, will do nothing for the economy. It won’t reduce the deficit; it will only give the left more time to continue raping and pillaging the Republic until real protest rises up from the true Americans. The ones who work and sweat to continue moving the wheels of free enterprise.

The Occupy Wall Street is a paid political movement; zany kabuki theater. A diversion as we plunge into universal bankruptcy while Obama and friends stuff their pockets with bonds and campaign cash. This will be Obama’s legacy a few years from now. As it is written in Scripture: For there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known (Matthew 12:1). Obama's con and his regimes deception will revealed. Unfortunately, the cost for saying ‘I told you so,’ is a price none can afford.

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