Friday, October 14, 2011

Herman Cain

Just 2 weeks ago the progressive pundits pooh-poohed Herman Cain's sudden surge of popularity among Republican voters as a "protest" vote against Rick Perry. They were wrong. Today, Herman Cain has taken a sizable lead in the most recent poll by Zigby. 20% above the rest of the candidates and is in a statistical tie with the Thug-in Chief, Barack Hussien Obama. Hmm...

The pundits were quick to respond that this is probably temporary, a fluke, given that
Perry and Donald Trump had momentary jumps in the polls and quickly faded. The main stream (sic) , or rather the ‘left stream’ media predict Herman Cain will soon return to a second-tier candidacy. The pundits discount the Republican voter’s intelligence, claiming they are fickle and will just as easily discard Herman Cain as soon as the next new and exciting candidate appears on the scene. Even the esteemed Sarah Palin discounted Herman Cain by calling him just "the flavor of the week."

The MSM pundits just cannot accept that the sleeping giant has awoken. Herman Cain disturbed the sleep of Conservative America, forcing people to take serious notice of his message. In addition, the Democrats can't shut Herman Cain up. Who does this black man think he is? A black conservative does not exist in America according to the racist/ socialist liberal media pundits. He is not for real.

The sleeping Conservative giant is fully awake now, angry and adamant about saving their beloved America from the grips of the entitled, unionized, left of left radicalized socialist-Marxist-progressive democrats. Yes, Herman Cain is real. If you look at the age-old story of good versus evil, you can see America's story unfolding: Obama is the mad scientist, who plans to take over the world and enslave all of its inhabitants. Herman Cain is the God fearing super hero, sacrificing himself to save the Republic and restore order in a world that has become Alice's Wonderland.

Every one knows how the story ends. The hero always prevails. Herman Cain will allow Americans once again to proclaim "God Bless America" with national pride, and with hope, real hope - unlike Obama’s 2008 campaign slogan, “hope and change,” in which Obama failed to tell us that his reference to ‘change’ is a change down the path of socialism – Herman Cain intends to change America back to her once majestic self.

Herman Cain spells out clearly the changes he would implement if he were president of America. The re-structuring of the tax code to create the 9-9-9 plan, a sound economic proposal endorsed by famed supply-side economist Art Laffer. He describes Herman Cain’s plan as a pro-growth plan that would create the proper conditions for America's economy to grow and thrive again. Liberals hate Laffer, who was instrumental in Ronald Reagan’s eight years of an economic boom. Liberals prefer a socialist nanny state, which controls every aspect of its citizen’s lives, from cradle to grave.

Herman Cain made it clear that America would define its enemies and its friends. He proposes an end of financially aiding the enemies of America while supporting, financially and materially, America’s friends. Obama’s White House gave the terrorist gang, the Palestine Authority, over $600 million last year. Since the signing of the Oslo Accord in 1993, the U.S. government has given $1.3 billion in
economic assistance to the West Bank and Gaza.

                 A lot of money to give to Hamas supported jihadists who chant hatred and death to Americans and shoot rockets daily into Israeli communities. Friend or foe? Palestine and all Muslim states worldwide are the enemies of the United States. Herman Cain shoots straight from the hip with the American public and I suspect, as the left label him ‘Islamophobic’, he would receive that label as a compliment and an honor.

Herman Cain would refuse to apologize for America. He stands for a strong defense for the United State. Herman Cain would ensure that our military and all of our security agencies are strong and capable. He understands the primary duty of the President of the United States is to protect our people. It is clear that Herman Cain would be a president who would warn our enemies that they would be no match for the United States military and he wouldn’t hesitate to show them America’s might. Herman Cain believes that the military is not just about defense but also about prevention and intervention. That America should intervene militarily when it serves the purpose of securing America’s long-term interest or helping countries that are unstable and need our help. The president’s primary responsibility is keeping America safe. America has been anything but safe these past three year.

Not unlike Ronald Reagan, Herman Cain would immediately begin to downsize the federal government, bringing it to a level that would best serve America and the fifty states, (not, as Obama says, fifty-seven). In his eyes, the federal government serves the states and its people. It promotes free-markets and is dedicated to reasonable and sane regulations. No more ludicrous Federal Programs like Department of Industrial and Janitorial Monitoring for the Stubbing of Toes After Employees End Their Shifts at Work.

No other Republican candidate in this presidential race has a concrete plan for America. Herman Cain does. That is more than can be said about our current president. Well, maybe the cars for clunkers program, and socialized medicine - which were failures even before they became law - are the exception.

I believe Herman Cain has it from Higher Authority that he is the man for America at this time in history. His confidence shows it. The American people, Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians, and Undecidedes, are signing on to Herman Cain’s candidacy in large numbers. The polls reflect this popularity, and Mr. Herman Cain IS the real deal. He is an example of a true American.

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