Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Islam: A Culture Of Obscenity

It takes a diminutive, intelligent and bold American Christian woman to say what many Westerners believe but are afraid to speak out. Ann Barnhardt is outspoken. Ann Barnhardt is committed. Committed to telling the truth about the culture of Islam. Not the lie that Islam is the "religion of peace." This is the lie that hypocritical Imams spew when facing the cameras of the western world. That is not the real Islam. The real Islam is misogynistic, pedophilic, corrupt, and obscene. The Islam that Muslims follow is an Islam determined to rule the world under Sharia Law. And this is accomplished through violence, murder, threats, and manipulating the Western legal systems to Muslim's advantage. Everywhere in the Western world, people look at the savage and brutal violence that is a daily occurrence in the Muslim world, yet are careful not to talk about it lest they be labeled racists and islamophobic. Ann Barnhardt refuses to bow at the alter of political correctness, choosing instead to blow the lid off Islam's true nature: Islam was fabricated to achieve global domination, recognizing that only Muslim men will rule a Sharia controlled world, remove the heads of non-Muslims and non-compliant Muslims, and screw anything that lunatic Muslim men desire (women, other men, little boys and girls, and animals). That is the real Islam. There is absolutely nothing peaceful about it. At it's core Islam creates Muslims who become mentally ill, are psychotic liars and pedophiles, and have an unhealthy amount of irrational anger and rage. What my hero, Ronald Reagan, would call "Islamic bully boys." I would call Muslim men crazy, dangerous, out of control, and extremely anal retentive.

It is time for America to confront the evil that is Islam. "Stop the Islamization of America and the World Now!!!" should be the  rallying cry of every American and European who wish to stay free. It is time to act boldly and for all Christians to call Islam what it is: An evil political ideology insanely intent on destroying Christianity and Democracy.

Below is Part One of a recent lecture revealing the true nature of Islam given by the courageous Christian lady, Ann Barnhardt. Youtube has yet to ban these videos. There are Four parts. Watch them all. Save them before Youtube censors and removes these videos to comply with Muslim's objections that they are racist and islamophobic. Of course, we must pray for Muslims caught up in Islam's culture of obscenity. We must first lift the veil off Islam to reveal the truth of this despicable and evil ideology so we can know what to pray for.

Youtube and Facebook have graciously accommodated Muslims quest for Sharia Law by allowing the posting of several violent Islamic "sites" and "channels" with a large following of American and European Muslims. Take a look:
  • Sharia4uk or Islam4uk and its reincarnations in the U.K., such as Muslims Against Crusades
  • Various websites associated with radical British preachers active in groups such as the Tawheed Movement and on the website Salafimedia.com
  • Shariah4Belgium
  • Sharia4Holland –  seems to be operated by Shariah4belgium; maintains a YouTube channel and a website, currently inactive
  • Sharia4Australia – seemingly run by one activist, who maintains a Facebook page and YouTube channel, and occasionally appears in the Australian media
  • Shariah4USA, also known as Sharia4America (U.S.)
  • Women4shariah – an international movement with a strong U.K. base
  • Jama'at Al-Tawhid (France) – maintains a website which has been inactive since the failed niqab ban demonstrations in Paris, in April 2011
  • Shariah4Pakistan – active only on Facebook
  • Shariah4Bangladesh – a YouTube channel
  • Shariah4southafrica – a YouTube channel
  • Shariah4alandalus, also known as Sharia4spain – active on both Facebook and YouTube, and operated by a person calling himself Abu Maria Al-Muhayer
  • Shariah4world – a Facebook group
  • Global Shariah Groups – a Facebook page
  • Sharia4maldives – a Facebook group
  • Dawah4sharia
  • International Shariah Movement – website
  • Dawah4sharia4women 

Muslims are at war with the Western world while the governments of the Western world appease and concede to Islam. Muslims are fighting the non-Muslim world both overtly and covertly. They are clever and oh, so organized. If you love your country, please speak out against Islam and Sharia, confront your senators and congressmen, write to the heads of state, contact embassies worldwide to lodge your complaint. We MUST fight Islam so we may be rid of Islam for good.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.
For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever...    
Amen †

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