Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Illegal News magazine
For Illegal American Patriots

  Obama’s Green Jobs Revolution a Bust
September 25, 2011

President Obama pledged he would start a clean-energy revolution that would create 5 million green jobs over 10 years. The logic was taken from a Keynesian playbook. Raid the Treasury of billions and billions of dollars, print a billion more, and distribute the bucks to companies producing “green” products. From solar panels to electric plug-in vehicles, windmills to weatherized houses, Small and large “green” businesses had bulging budgets overnight. This in turn would drastically reduce the unemployment lines, and thus, restore the economy. Brilliant…Not.

Let us look at how successful and prosperous this socialist plan worked out for Obama’s America:

 Solyndra Inc., which manufactured solar panels at its plant in Fremont, Calif., received $535 million in Energy Department loans. This so stimulated this company, Obama made it his green darling. He assured us that Solyndra will “lead the way toward a brighter and more prosperous future.” Within six months, the company shipped half of its jobs to India, declared bankruptcy, and laid off 1,100 workers. Workers who are now running out of their unemployment benefits. This company was raided and now being investigated by the FBI. You can be sure that a large amount of this bailout money has returned to Obama and the Democrat National Committee (DNC). At least four other companies receiving money from Obama’s stimulus package have gone bankrupt and lost thousands of jobs under Obama's economic recovery program.

General Motors was given $43 billion dollars but it came with a couple of conditions: they had to give Obama 60.8 percent controlling interest in the company and create the ultimate “green” vehicle. Hmm. Additionally, and it goes without saying, GM had to contribute heavily to the DNC through its unionized employees. Can you say Kickbacks?  The new green car GM built, the Chevy “Volt”, cost so much only rich people could afford to buy it. No one wanted to. GM sold only 3200 of these cars of the future. And the jobs Obama promised? GM filed bankruptcy and laid off 1500 employees in just one small plant alone after receiving the bailout money. Thousands of GM jobs are expected to be lost this year. Perhaps these unemployed GM workers can cross-train for a job with the federal government.I hear they are hiring.

 Evergreen Solar Inc., of Massachusetts, which received $58 million in stimulus money and other government handouts, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and closed its plant in Midland, Mich. The company laid off 800 workers and is now $485 million in debt.

Green Vehicles, start up company from Salinas,received $500,000 from the city of Salinas, California, and another $187,000 from the state of California as it promised to create 70 new jobs making an innovative three-wheel electric car with a $25,000 price tag. The company went bankrupt without making a single car.

 Johnson Controls​, which manufactures batteries for electric and hybrid cars at its plant in Holland, Mich., received $300 million in taxpayer help and created a grand total of 150 jobs—or $2 million per job.

Clark County, Nevada, received $490,000 in stimulus money from the U.S. Forest Service to plant trees in urban neighborhoods. Jobs created? 1.7. One full time, one part-time, and eleven temporary jobs.

The list of failed companies receiving "Obama money" goes on and on. The companies that did not sign on to this socialist boondoggle, refusing stimulus money, are prospering and creating jobs. Obama told us that
 unemployment would not exceed 8 percent if we passed the stimulus bill. ... Well, now what we're seeing, obviously, is over 9 percent. But Obama is coming to the rescue once again. Following the roaring success of Obama’s economic recovery plan, he wants to do it again for 2012. He has changed its name and  is now calling it the American Jobs Act with $447 billion on the table. My friend John sums it up best:

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.” If you can keep from laughing at this Nancy Pelosi video, I will see about getting you a job. Or at least some stimulus money…


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