Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Rockets of Hamas and Hezbollah

Here they come. What I call the "cease fire missiles",  lobbed over from the West Bank of Israel by Obama-supported Hamas  and from Hezbollah in Lebanon from the North. Made in Iran stamped right  on the sides of the rockets for Iran to deny. Christmas presents openly delivered through the friendly border of Syria. One of Iran's special gifts to Hezbollah this year is the Fateh-110, a missile carrying a 550kg warhead, of more than 1,210 pounds. This Hezbollah rocket can range all of Israel and administer significant damage to life and property. Allah Akbar...

Simply an Islamic stage act. I suspect a well orchestrated one, like taunting the nerd in school until he explodes into a rage, losing control in an angry outburst to the amazement of all. Pushing Israel to react in defense, its enemies can point to Israel's "unprovoked aggression", and in Palestine's defense they will post the gruesome photos of a bombed out Gaza to a world that refuses to get it. Bad, bad Israel. How dare they defend themselves against a few harmless rockets. In truth, Hamas will show no guilt at the sacrificing of it's own citizens, setting up Gazans to be killed as a means to it's ends: to portray Israel as unworthy of statehood and should be abolished. Thus, the rockets of Hamas and Hezbollah become justified and ultimately sanctioned by Israel-hating United Nations.

The U.N... Enter stage left. The U.N. has quietly proclaimed 2011 as the "year of demonizing Israel". Think I'm kidding? The world has been invited to attend Durban lll in September, the U.N.'s third conference for its Declaration on Racism Conference. Haven't heard of it? In truth it is a hate-fest towards Israel which supporters call "a conference to combat Islamophobia".  Everyone's invited. This one will be special, celebrating the tenth anniversary of the first conference held in Durban, South Africa, thus it's name. That conference hailed the virtues of Islam and regaled into a trash-spewing, vitriolic slam against the state of Israel. A few countries have refused to attend and adamantly denounced the conference, refusing to attend. Well... two countries, anyway: Israel and Canada. Both countries have called for a boycott of the Durban Declaration. Obama has remained silent with no indication of  whether the U.S. delegation will attend or not. I believe his official stand is never to offend Islam.

With such finely tuned public relations spewing hatred toward Israel in full swing by the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC, a leading sponsor of the Durban conference), I suspect the Arab world will be in such a frenzy with anti-Israel sentiment following the conference, Hamas will be forgiven for performing it's choreographed rocket launching barrage into Israel amidst glowing approval from the Arab states and western progressive socialists. And the moment that Israel counters, Hezbollah, with the blessing and support from Iran, will come to Hama's defense. What is truly sad to me is that my government and it's current short term president will sit idly by, doing nothing. Obama has shown by action, and inaction, that he will not support Israel.

Israel is tough though, and Divinely protected. I think, should this scenario unfold, Israel will probably teach us much about global diplomacy and about how to deal with the Rockets of Hamas and Hezbollah. 

May God bless Israel

The Arab world is led to believe that "evil" Israel fabricates the hoax of Hamas bombings of Israel. Does this look like a hoax?

UPDATE: Durban lll  has come and gone. The usual cast of characters were present, giving speeches declaring the U.S. financed Israel, bad, bad, Israel, should be blown off the map. Interesting this year was the mass walkout on Abedinejad's coo coo bird speech condemning America and Israel, and his anti-Semitic mantra. All of the European delegates left the room. And as predicted, the gang bangers of Palestine started with the rock throwing and rocket launching. These thugs get cash from Hamas for their deeds. This, I believe, is how Palestinians interpret "cease fire." America used to be a friend of Israel, broadcasting its support of Israel for all of the Arab world to hear. Sadly, nary a peep from Obama. His silence speaks volumes of his blessing for the Islamists to bash and trash Israel. I  do not support Obama nor believe anything that comes out of his mouth. But, I for one, believe it is my duty to proclaim my support for Israel. Let's pray (to the one true God) that someone like Herman Cain take the mantle of Commander-In-Chief. He'll straighten out this mess... Again, God bless America!

by Patrick Oliver Griswold

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