Saturday, September 10, 2011

A letter to My Beloved, Little Girl

by John L. Kinikin;
First posted on Face Book Wednesday, August 24, 2011 at 1:06pm

The Kind of Man You Want

He Keeps Promises.
He seeks your Good even at His own peril.
The Greatness of His Character will be to you as gold,
even pure gold, tried in the crucible:
He is Patient and Kind,
When angered he will be Self-Controlled,
He Sacrifices to make your life better,
He has Faith in you,
He is Goodness and Mercy to you
all the days of your life,
He holds your spirit with all Gentleness,
His Meekness will you know
by the soft answers which turns away wrath.
He gives Love, Joy, Peace and
Happiness will be yours for ever.

A man of this sort can be found, His name is Jesus.

The Kind of Man You Want,
learns from Him.
He will be imperfect, He will fail now and then.
My darling loved one,
be Forgiving and Learn this Character from Jesus.
Then you will in like manner Love.
And the two of you will be Happy all the days of your lives.

Forgiveness is the Key.
Love and Strength of Character turns the Key.
All are Gotten when you Receive JESUS.

By: John L. Kinikin
24 August 2011

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